Monday, December 9, 2013

Today (12/09/2013)

     Today was one of “those” days. You know what I mean. We all have them. They might not turn out all that badly in the end, but we dread them before they arrive, and we do our best to get through them while they're happening and, if we can, we try to turn them into something good.
     Mine began with a doctor’s visit. Oh, it was a regular exam, a routine follow-up to blood tests pertaining to the usual maladies of getting older and being overweight. I always go into those, though, feeling like a college freshman who is meeting with a professor to discuss the latest exam in a crucial course in which I know I am failing. I should mention that none of this is my doctor’s fault.
     My doctor is a great guy who always emphasizes that he’s on my side. He never comes down on me in a negative way, and he really, truly, always, only seems to want to help me live a longer, healthier life. He plays no part in encouraging my subversive thoughts like, “You can live to be 100 if you give up all of the things that make it worthwhile,” etc. However….
     The minute that appointment was over, I high-tailed it out to Lake Los Carneros for a nature fix!
     Sadly, I missed my LLC friend, Barbara, by what was probably mere minutes. (Sorry, Barbara!) On the positive side, I got my best-ever photo of a beautiful Townsend’s warbler.
     I need to point something out here: I am not a birder. Yes, I do shoot a hell of a lot of bird pictures! I know that. But I only shoot them because there are no bobcats, snakes, or lizards around. I’ve been out with real birders, my friends, and I am nowhere near being in their league. I’m a mere “nature.” I am a generalist and photographer, and that is all. If I’d found some fantastic fungi, I would have shot them, too, but I didn’t. So, you get birds today.

     I’ll shut up now and just post the photos. You, dear Reader, need only scroll through them and enjoy.  

His Royal Merlin-ness. He has nothing at all to do with my trip to Lake Los Carneros, but since he is my Feline Master and I, his willing human servant, I thought I'd throw this in anyway.

I love the clouds this time of the year.

This juvenile White-crowned Sparrow was not at Lake Los Carneros, either, but his photo was in the same batch so, well, here he is. Cute, isn't he?

Nutmeg Mannikins (female or juvenile?) at Lake Los Carneros.

Nutmeg Mannikin at Lake Los Carneros.

Probably a Yellow-Rumped Warbler?

In southwestern Michigan, where I grew up, a robin would hardly be considered exotic. Well, my friends, it's different here in southern California! This was one of a flock that was feeding upon toyon berries.

On the lookout.

I don't know what it is, but it's cute.

Townsend's Warbler. Just wait until you see the NEXT shot!!!

This is the best image I've captured so far of a Townsend's Warber. This beautiful little bird didn't give a hoot that I was standing right there. He was so busy chasing insects that he flew up within the near-focus limit of my lens! I absolutely love this shot.

Black Phoebe. I have a soft spot for these characters. They're so small in size, but so huge in attitude!

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